For Test 2 ---Make sure you review carefully these concepts


The Self Concept, The actual self, the ideal self, the looking glass self, the extended self

What type of appeal could a marketer use if you have a large gap between your actual self and your ideal self?

Understand the Symbolic Self Completion Theory - how do we use products in this theory?

What is body image?

Self Image Congruence Model

What is symbolic Interaction?

What is Personality?

Freud- ID -Ego-Superego- the Reality Principle

What is brand equity?

How do psychologists evaluate personality?

What is lifestyle?

What does a lifestyle appeal focus on in an ad?

What are demographics? Psychographics? A.I.O.s? VALS?

How do situational factors relate to our buying?

What is the 80/20 Rule?

What is Geographic Segmentation?

What is an attitude?

What is the Functional Theory of Attitudes?

What are value-expressive and ego-defensive related to the Functional Theory of Attitudes?

What is the ABC Model of Attitudes. What does each letter stand for?

What is involvement?

What does it mean when you say a value is internalized?

What is cognitive Dissonance?

What is a multi-attribute model and what are the factors that are important?

What do source attractiveness and credibility mean?

What is the halo effect?

Understand the differences between these types of appeals- humour, fear, sex and also rational and emotional

What is the Elaboration Likelihood Model- what makes something high or low?

What is the mere exposure effect?

What is rational decision making, extended decision making?

What is problem recognition?

What's the difference between primary and secondary demand?

How does risk affect the amount of search you do when buying?

What are Heuristics?

What are- Inertia? Brand loyalty?

What is an antecedent state and how does it affect your buying?

Understand these types of consumers- ethical, economic, apathetic.

What is fast fashion and what are some of the implications of it?

What is exchange theory?