Test your knowledge of the previous lesson. If you are unsure of any of the answers, review Lesson 2 Notes.

1. The set of individuals and organizations responsible for creating and marketing a cultural product is a Culture Production System

a. true
b. false

2. _____________ has 3 components: a creative subsystem , a managerial subsystem and a communications subsystem

a. Style Consumption System
b. Culture Production System
c. Diffusion System Byway
d. Media Production System

3. Individuals who are responsible for determining the types of messages and symbolism to which members of mass culture are exposed like reviewers, and retail buyers are examples of cultural gatekeepers.

a. true
b. false

4. A commercial follows a typical story line- women meets man falls in love gets married all because she used the right soap. This is an example of

a. reality engineering
b. a cultural formula
c. product immersion
d. borrowed interest

5. Reebok marketers filed candidacy papers for their fictional character Terry Tate to run for Governor of California. This is an example of

a. Borrowed Interest
b. Product Immersion
c. Product placement
d. News theft

6. ______________ is a product change or new product that requires a moderate amount of adaptation by the adopter; a more
pronounced change to the product; whereas, ____________ is a product change that requires relatively little adaptation by the adopter.

a. Dynamically Continuous Innovation/ Continuous Innovation
b. Continuous Innovation/ Dynamically Continuous Innovation
c. Discontinuous Innovation/ Dynamically Continuous Innovation
d. Dynamically Continuous Innovation/ Discontinuous Innovation

7. A product change or new product that requires a significant amount of adaptation by the adopter; creates major
change in way consumer lives: airplane, car, computer, TV- this is called

a. Dynamically Continuous Innovation
b. Continuous Innovation
c. Discontinuous Innovation
d. Dynamically Discontinuous innovation

8. According to ____________ ____________ most of what is considered cool originates from a small group of people, who, because of their ultra-coolness, inspire others to copy them.

a. borrowed interest
b. cool hunting
c. fad seeking
d. trickle down theory

9. ___________ perspective is an approach to study cultures that stresses common aspects across cultures; whereas, ___________ perspective is an approach to studying cultures that stresses the unique aspects of each culture.

a. Etic/ Emic
b. Emic/ Etic
c. Sacred/ Profane
d. Profane/ Sacred

10. The Civil War in US changed manufacturing and the advertising profession creating a consumer economy

a. true
b. false

11. The sewing machine became one of the first heavily advertised items for the home during the Civil War from 1860-1865.

a. true
b. false

12. The US government during the Civil War refused to produce a national ad campaign with an advertising agent to sell war bonds.

a. true
b. false

13. After the civil war men preferred ________________ clothing.
a. mass produced
b. home made
c. tailor made
d. army clothes

14. During the civil war women worked in men's jobs; one of the effects during and after the war was that women

a. stopped shopping
b. became consumers
c. neither of the above

15. After the civil war many left factories and moved to farms

a. true
b. false

16. Because in the 1800s prices of items in stores were not marked and shoppers had to visit many stores to find goods, consumers were ready for

a. department stores
b. a Civil War
c. specialty stores
d. all of the above

17. After starting as a pagan ceremony and becoming a religious holiday then it was discovered by the department stores to get rid of excess surplus. It is

a. Thanksgiving
b. Christmas
c. Easter
d. Good Friday

18. To attract immigrants to the west in US and Canada, governments offered money and free land if immigrants worked on the land for varying amounts of time.

a. true
b. false

19. ______________ introduced the Penny Paper in 1883 which had human interest stories and would be supported by the revenues from ads.

a. George Brown
b. Benjamin Moore
c. George Thomas Smith
d. Benjamin Day

20. Originally started as a political vehicle, _______________ newspaper was founded by George Brown in the mid 1800s.

a. The Telegram
b. The Star
c. The Globe
d. The Sun

21. Two big names in making newspapers appeal to all on a daily basis were.

a. Joseph Pulitzer and Randolph Hearst
b. Joseph Atkinson and Johannes Gutenberg
c. James Bennett and Orson Welles
d. Siegfield and Roy

22. Unlike newspapers, magazines made most money from subscriptions and did not accept ads until 1870.

a. true
b. false

23. The earliest known advertising agent in Philadelphia was _____________; he worked for the papers and also represented the advertisers (newspapers gave him 25% of revenue)

a. PT Barnum
b. Volney B. Palmer
c. J Walter Thompson
d. none of the above

24. So called patent medicines often contained 20-40% alcohol or cocaine , opium and morphine. Which statement/statements are true.

a. their ads filled newspapers after the Civil War
b. initially they were sold by traveling peddlers sometimes offering entertainment
c. patent medicine makers are credited with pioneering the field of national distribution
d. all of the above are true.

25. In 1890 advertising for __________was slashed and sales fell 80%. In response, heavy advertising resumed and over the next decade increased sales 2500 percent- the campaign demonstrated that advertising pays.

a. Radways Ready Relief
b. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
c. Dr Laura's Pink Pills for Ladies
d. Georgina T Fulford's Women's Relief