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Created by Karen E. Hamilton, Professor Business and Creative Arts, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario Canada





















Welcome! Strategies for Student Success Online.

The online portion of the Strategies for Student Success course contains 4 modules:

Module I: (Managing) College Life I
Module 2: College Life II

Module 3: Study Skills
Module 4: Thinking

The online portion of the course makes up 20% of your overall grade in the course. The in-class portion of the course is one hour per week, but you are expected to work on the online modules throughout the semester. You can access the course in one of the e-course labs during the time allocated to the e-course on your timetable, in the open access labs, or from your computer at home.(Your computer should have a browser at least as recent as 4 with JavaScript enabled. Some of the interactive quizzes may require at least Netscape 6 or Explorer 5)

After you have completed each of the four modules, you should sign on to WebCT (link at side or top) to take the quiz associated with that module. Each module is worth 5% of your final grade.

Deadlines for Completing Modules

Module 1 and Module II (Managing College Life I and College Life II) must be completed by the end of the 5th week of the semester.

Module III and Module IV (Study Skills and Thinking) must be completed by the third last week of the semester.

For those of you who would like to get ahead, feel free to complete all of the modules earlier than the earliest deadline!

The in-class portion of the course also includes two online tests that must be completed in the e-course labs with identification and sign-in. In order to be able to take the midterm test, you must have completed Module I and Module II quizzes in WebCT. Each test (midterm and final test) makes up 20% of your final grade. Those tests may include information from the online units and from the chapters associated with them in Becoming a Master Student. Please click on the Help Desk link at the top of this page for more specific information on times and dates of quizzes and tests.

To get started, click on one of the tours (under the Tour Guide Up To TOUR) to meet some key people on your campus or go directly to Module I-Managing College Life. (Up To MODULE)

I hope you enjoy your journey. The course is called Strategies for Student Success because your success in school and life is not just your goal but also ours! So without further adieu (adieu as in good-bye and to be bilingual) or adiós (trilingual).... Go forth and BE SUCCESSFUL!!

This Course is no longer running. It is archived here.