A Metaphor of Creative Thinking: Cooking

In the book Five Star Mind, author Tom Wujec uses a metaphor --cooking-- to illustrate the creative thinking process.
So, if you like food, or preparing food, check out the metaphor below.
But please... make sure you have eaten because I wouldn't want to send you running in hunger!

hungry lizard
I'm Hungry!

1. Cultivate an appetite:

  • Explore/Discover/Be Open
  • Ask Questions
  • Give yourself the courage to create
different foods
Can I hunt and gather?

2. Gather:

  • Gather Facts, figures, feelings that relate-stock your brain
  • Use different sources: from the wildly exotic to the commonplace
  • Brainstorm
cut and chop
Slice and dice

3. Cut:

  • Analyze by dividing into smaller parts
  • What is the essence of the problem?
  • Divide, categorize (Conquer!)
  • Look at things in a “new” way
I am a Mixmaster!

4. Mix:

  • Join, relate, marry ideas and connections
  • Invent, use analogy, metaphor
stewing pot
"Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble"

5. Cook:

  • Let ideas stew, simmer
  • Allow things to reach the “zone” or “flow”


spice girls
Sorry! Bad JOKE!

6. Spice:

  • Add accent by asking ‘What if’ questions
  • Change contexts-Express ideas in different models
  • Break the rules!

kid shoving food down
Just a nibble

7. Taste:

  • Evaluate how effective the ideas are-strengths/weaknesses (SWOT--if you don't know what SWOT is and you are in Business, trust me you will know...if you are not in a Business program, do an internet search!)
  • What can be learned from what went wrong?
stomach digestion
Resistance is Futile! Assimilate!

8. Digest:

  • Assimilate ideas.
  • Are ideas providing a balanced diet from all the mental food groups?

Adapted from Five Star Mind: Games & Puzzles to Stimulate Your Creativity & Imagination by Tom Wujak, published by DoubleDay (1995)

Now here's a little story that will show you how just when you think you are so good at creative thinking and problem solving maybe you aren't quite as clever as you thought. Click my book "Smarty-Pantz" below to read a brief anecdote.

Smarty-Pantz book


Created by Karen E. Hamilton, Professor Business and Creative Arts, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario Canada

...on to Time for a little fun!
