
Divergent Thinking How To

What techniques can I use to stimulate Divergent Thinking?



Brainstorming involves generating a list of ideas in an unstructured manner. The goal of brainstorming is for you to generate as many ideas as possible in a short period of time. One idea is used to stimulate other ideas. All ideas are written down. There are no wrong ideas! Brainstorming can be done on your own or in a group.

brain with bolts


When freewriting, you focus on one particular topic and write nonstop about it for a short period of time. Write down whatever comes to mind about the topic without worrying about spelling or grammar. You may resist at first, but don't be surprised if you try to keep writing once time is up! Many ideas can be generated in a short period of time.



Journals are an effective way for you to record spontaneous ideas. Your journal can be a source of ideas. Sometimes ideas occur to us at the most unexpected times. Having a journal handy ensures that ideas won't get away.


Mind Mapping

When you create a mind map you put your ideas in a visual picture that shows how the ideas relate. You start with a central idea, then branch off the main topic to show how each part is connected utilizing both convergent and divergent thinking. This technique could be especially effective for visual learners.






mind map

Created by Karen E. Hamilton, Professor Business and Creative Arts, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario Canada

......on to A Metaphor for Creative Thinking