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Instructional Design Models, Theories & Methodology:

The ADDIE Model

by Morgan Watson

ADDIE ModelSummary of ADDIE:

ADDIE stands for analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation the five stages or phases in the model.

Breakdown of the Components:

1. Analysis

2. Design

3. Development

4. Implementation

5. Evaluation

Charts, Graphs, Videos that help explain the ADDIE Model:

How ADDIE can best be used:

This would be used best be used for training situations where things do not typically change in the process. This model allows for “perfection” of a system.

Who would use ADDIE?:



Helps show weaknesses in concepts
or processes.

Not really a model, but a framework

Provides feedback from the learner to
allow for revisions

Not flexible; Doesn't allow you to add in lessons
or ideas as they present themselves.

Effective for training type situations

You have to know ALL of the steps and items you want to cover before implementing the project or wait until the next time it is implemented.

Encourages a "perfected" system

Could take a lot of time to create and implement


Similarities to other models:

Kemp's Instructional design method is similar in the way they both focus on planning and analyzing the content and learners. The creator is focusing on the learner and how they will learn. They also both encourage developing assessments for the assigned objectives. While they are not stated exactly the same, it seems that the Kemp model has a place for each of the five elements from ADDIE as well.

The Dick and Carey Systems is similar to the ADDIE model, but much more complex and detailed. The five elements from the ADDIE model are easily aligned to the Dick and Carey System. For example, it encourages the analysis of goals and learners behaviors. It also has a more detailed development plan but covers the same content from development in ADDIE.


actingmerihawaii (poster). ADDIE [video]. (2009, October 6). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiLLz1SaxGc.

ADDIE model clip. Retrieved July 13, 2011, from: http://www.wku.edu/tsonline/addie_model.php

Instructional Design Improving Teaching and Learning. (n.d) Using the ADDIE model. Retrieved July 16, 2011 from http://raleighway.com/addie/index.htm.

Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2011, July). ADDIE model at learning-Theories.com. Retrieved July 16th, 2011 from http://www.learning-theories.com/addie-model.html

marielangton (poster). Addie Instructional Design Process [video]. (2010, Novemeber 13). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vXegHDzrBg&feature=related.

Tzanis, J.T. (2002). Online course development process. Retrieved from http://www.tzanis.org/Courses/ADDIE/index.htm