Final Asessment : Multiple-Choice Quiz
Let's Assess and Apply! If you have made it through all the modules, you've come a long way. Congratulations! Hopefully you've been putting the ideas in the modules into practice right away in your online course. You've just got two more things to do: A final multiple choice assessment to check your learning from the modules and an assignment on the next page that will help you be successful in your online course. Take a break after completing the Comprehensive Orientation Quiz, reflect on your results and review the areas where you had trouble. |
It's time to test how much you've learned in the orientation modules. The following multiple choice test is split up into sections that correspond to each of the modules. If you only completed some of the modules in the orientation, you can try those sections first, but it's probably a good idea to try all the sections below. If you see that you don't do well in any section, you'll want to go back and review those modules. You should be able to complete the all of the quiz sections within 15-20 minutes. This quiz will give you an idea of what you know, but the real test will be when you complete your online course. Remember that no two online courses are alike, so when you start your next online course you might want to keep this orientation handy, in case your last course didn't include all the topics here! |

time management, self-discipline, and computer skills.
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independence in learning, computer skills, reading and writing skills.
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all of the above are important.
at least 5 hours.
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about 1-2 hours
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an average of 3 hours a week.
Don't worry too much about your writing because mostly you'll have group projects and multiple choice tests.
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The Tutoring and Learning Centres (TLC) and the Peer Assisted Learning Centres (PAL) are two excellent places to go.
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The student lounge.
Wait until your computer or internet is back up and running and then send in your work late with an explanation.
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Ask a friend to do your work and submit it for you.
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Go into one of the LLCs (Library Learning Commons) at the school to complete and submit your work.
5. What is one of the first things you should do when you log on to your online course?
Familiarize yourself with the layout and design of the course and be sure you understand what you will learn and the activities you will need to do.
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Have a look at the course, but wait until your instructor contacts you before you do anything.
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Go immediately to module one and do the first activity.

A software platform that runs inside a web browser to display certain content and run certain web applications.
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A piece of text stored on a user's computer by their web browser.
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A software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the Internet.
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Check announcements to see if there is any system maintenance or outage. If there isn't, do a browser check
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Email your instructor
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Visit a PAL centre
Turn the computer off for the day and try again the next day
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Access the Student Help Form on the Blackboard Orientation page, click the link, fill out details of your course, your information and your specific problem; then submit.
Make sure you have pop-ups enabled in your browser.
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Fill in the Student Help Form
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Access the Identity Management System and change your password.

Assessments Tool
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Course Content Tool
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Assignments Tool
Assessments Tool
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Assignments Tool
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Quizmaker Tool
There will be a pop up notice every time something is changed or new
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There will be a green star beside the tool or item in the side navigation menu
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A new notation will appear in the calendar
Logging out and logging back in
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Click the Toggle bar ( the two sideways triangles with lines between them) beside the collapsed navigation bar
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Do a browser check

Do a browser check. You may have the wrong version of java.
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Send the document to the whole class in an email
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Log out and log back in and try again
True- If someone said it better than you why bother saying anything else
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False- You need to explain why you agree or disagree
False- Your discussion posts require you to write using the rules of grammar and you must always use proper documentation, quote your sources, paraphrase other words and give credit to the author.
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True- Just be your self; talk like you do when you are texting.
Type the person's name in the To Box
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Click the Browse for recipient box, select the person's name and then click save.
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Use your private email account to send to a classmate's Blackboard email
Just assume that Blackboard is not working and do a browser check
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Check the top of the page for a yellow bar that says, "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer." Click on Click here for more options to download the file. You may be logged out but when you log in again you will be able to download the file.
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Click the green star symbol to access the download preferences

Click on Assessments; click on the title of the assessment you wish to take; if there is no password Click begin Assessment
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Go to the open access computer lab in the library, and ask for their help
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Click on Assignments; click the Grades Tool; click begin assessment
Select the button next the correct answer for each question; then click finish
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Select the button next the correct answer for each question; click save after each answer; check that the box to the right has all check marks for each question; when you have checked and resaved all answers click finish
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Select the correct answers and as soon as you see all checkmarks in the right hand box, you know you have answered all the questions correctly and you can submit your quiz.
True - The Proctored testing labs are for testing and help with Blackboard | |
False - The lab monitors are only there to monitor online tests. They know nothing about Blackboard access problems
open all the time and you can access them from anywhere
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always straightforward multiple choice tests where you get your test results immediately
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sometimes multiple choice, sometimes short answer and sometimes essay questions, or a mixture of these.
Click My Grades. You can see whichever grades your instructor has released for your assignments, discussions and assessments | |
Click the Assessment Tool and look for a green star
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Click the Assignments Tool and look for a red star.

Published assignments
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Graded Assignments
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Assignments that have not been submitted yet
Clicking the Assignment tool; clicking the assignment in the Inbox and looking at the box Instructions. There may be an attachment with more explanation.
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Clicking Assessment tool; clicking the assignment in the Published tab and looking for instructions | |
Emailing your instructor |
post your question to the discussion board. Someone else may have the same question and your peers or instructors can answer the question there.
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wait until the assignment is due, then call your instructor
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go for help in the computer lab
Buying or obtaining a paper from a research service, paper mill, website or other source or handing in another student's work with or without the student's knowledge or cutting and pasting from websites.
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Using the source material too closely when paraphrasing, having a person edit your work and allowing the person to substantially change the work or using an online translation service to translate an assignment from one language to another in a language course.
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All of the above are plagiarism.
the LLC- Library Learning Commons at GBC
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an essay service
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the Open Access Computer Lab
You are almost there! Just one more thing to do.Take a break and come back and move to the next page for an activity that will bring your learning here and in your online course together!
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