Module 5: Completing & Submitting Assessments -Tests and Surveys
Let's Get Ready for Assessments!
Welcome to Module 5, your second last module in the Orientation. Completing online assessments may be a part of demonstrating your learning in your course. In this module you'll learn all about how to complete and submit assessments such as tests, quizzes and surveys. But that's not all- you'll learn where you can find your instructor's feedback and your grades. This module contains an interactive component that will allow you to test your skills in taking an online assessment.
Take a minute to review the outcomes below; then click the Next button on the bottom right of the page to begin.
Module 5 Objectives
After successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Log on to a Blackboard Assessment
- Save answers and submit quiz/assessments
- View Grades and professor comments to monitor their progress
- Use Assessment /GradesTools to Optimize and Demonstrate Learning
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