Learning Check Activites: Communication Tools
Let's Get Interactive!
In this module you have viewed a short video demonstrating the use of the Discussions, Mail and Announcements and read tips for effective use of the tools for your learning. Take a few minutes to complete the activity below.

Now that you have learned how to post messages and discussions and learned some tips on how to create great messages, take a minute to answer these questions:
If you have a question about an assignment, would it be better to send an email or post it to a discussion board? Why?
Before asking your question about an assignment, where might you look for the answer?
How can using the discussion board help you learn? How might sharing of information help you in your future career?
How do you think communications within an online course might be similar or different from communications in your chosen field?
What kind of networks are available in the area of your interest where you can communicate through discussions online? Are there any that you can sign up for now?
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