Learning Check Activity
Let's Get Interactive!

Now that you have a good idea how to navigate Blackboard, log in to your Blackboard Course and find and review the following:
Home Page - What main folders or items are on the home page?
Announcements - Has your instructor posted any announcements or a welcome message. If yes, review those now!
Getting Started Page - Is there a Getting Started or Welcome page that tells you how to navigate the course? Locate that information and review it now.
Syllabus/outline - Locate your course outline. From the outline can you understand the main topics of the course and the way you will be evaluated?
Main Content - Where is the main content/lessons of your online course? Has the instructor posted weekly modules/lessons/units? Where are they?
Assignments and Assessments - What activities will you need to do to complete the course successfully? Take note of your required activities and due dates.
Help - Has your instructor posted information about how to get help in the course. Locate that information now.
After reviewing these key items you should be more comfortable navigating your online course.
Once you have completed Module 3, take a break; you've come a long way!
After your break, come back and move on to Module 4 where you will learn how to use Communications Tools.
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