Tips for Use of the Tools to Optimize Learning
Navigate for Success
The Green Star Symbol In the image to the right notice the green star symbols beside some items in the Course Tools Menu. When you see a green star, it means there is something new in the course. In this example there is a green star beside announcements and assessments. This means the instructor has posted an announcement and there is also an assessment that is to be done. Look for the Icons Blackboard uses small icons as guide posts. On the Course Tools Menu, notice that beside each item there is a small icon. The icon for Course Content is a House that symbolizes the Home Page. If you are ever inside a folder or module, and you want to get back to the Home Page, just remember to click the Home icon. When you log on to Blackboard and are on the My Blackboard Page, you'll see your course list. Under the course name, one of the Tool icons may appear. Again this indicates something new in the course. To get to that item immediately, click the icon and it will take you directly to the new item. The Calendar In the image to the top right under Course Tools, you'll see the link to the Calendar. On the calendar, you'll find information related to your course. The instructor may have set your course so that assignments and assessment due dates show up in your calendar. When you click the link to the calendar, you'll see that you can also add personal entires. Your personal entries will appear in italics so they are easily identified. In an online course it is important to organize yourself; using the calendar can help you plan and keep track of your assignments, assessments or group meetings. |
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