Tips & Resources for Successful Online Learning
Online Learning Tips for Success
OK if you are still reading, you may be ready to sign up for your first online course. Here are a some pointers:
- An online course is not a "bird" course. Be prepared to spend more than 5 hours working on the course per week. Typically online courses take up more time than regular face-to-face classes.
- Familiarize yourself with the course layout & design. Be sure you understand what you are expected to learn and complete the activities that you are asked to do. Ask questions if you are unsure.
- Download key documents such as course Syllabus, assignments and due dates. Mark key dates in your calendar.
- Log on to your course everyday or every other day. This allows you to stay connected with the group and will keep you up-to-date with what's going on. Especially check the discussion board everyday. When messages accumulate over several days, people tend to feel overwhelmed.
- Read other students' postings in the discussion board and respond to them. You wil learn a great deal from your classmates.
- Get to know others in the course. It's good to have a buddy or study group to discuss the course with.
- Be disciplined and self-directed by setting aside a time and place to work on your course. Try to stick to the times you have set up.
- Complete weekly activities each week, so that you do not fall behind. Many instructors have set up assignments and discussions so that they will only be open for a limited time.
- Participate as much as possible in all learning activities. The more you do, the more you will feel part of the course and the more you will learn.
- Do not hesitate to ask for help or clarification if you are having difficulty with something. Post questions in the discussion area, or if it's a specific problem you have, email the instructor. The sooner you address the problem, the better you will feel.
- Save your postings, assignments, results of assessments , etc. in a file on your local computer in case anything becomes lost online or in case of a system outage.
Activity - Tour Additional Resources and Reflect on an Action Plan
Take some time to review these resources about learning online:
Now Reflect:
What things do you need to work on most to become a successful online learner?
Make a list to prioritize the skills or things you need to work on. Beside each point write what you will do to address the issue.
What one thing can you start on today?
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