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Documentary ---The Virtual Revolution: The Cost of Free

The Virtual Revolution - The Cost of Free Part 1

The Virtual Revolution - The Cost of Free Part 2

The Virtual Revolution - The Cost of Free Part 3

The Virtual Revolution - The Cost of Free Part 4

The Virtual Revolution - The Cost of Free Part 5

The Virtual Revolution - The Cost of Free Part 6

US NOW Documentary

To see another interesting documentary online, see Us Now -A film project about the power of mass collaboration, government and the internet. The film explores mass collaboration in online and real world communities and so called gift- economies and how such collaboration could play a part in governments. The documentary includes interviews with various communities and their members, Clay Shirky, Don Tapscott and Charles Leadbeater. According to Anand Giridharadas of the New York Times, the documentary, "paints a future in which every citizen is connected to the state as easily as to Facebook, choosing policies, questioning politicians, collaborating with neighbors." (2009)

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